The medical industry deems surgery a cure for spinal conditions such as scoliosis. However, it poses so many risks and complications that, even if it can cure a person’s condition, it is causing some patients to think twice.  Below are some common questions that most scoliosis patients ask themselves.

How much will the surgery cost?

The overall cost of scoliosis surgery depends on a number of factors.  How many days will you need to stay in the hospital?  What are the surgeon’s fees?  What is the total cost of materials used during and after surgery, such as rods, hooks, anesthesia, and pain relief medication?

Before you undergo surgery, estimate how much money you will need to cover the expenses and begin preparing yourself financially.  Remember to take into consideration and prepare for extra hospital charges because there may be certain costs associated with the surgery that you are not aware of.

How long will the recuperation be after surgery?

Recovery time depends on the condition of the patient and the success of the surgery.  Normally, patients will have to stay in the hospital for several days after the surgery due to the intense pain they experience from the spinal fusion.

Will the patient experience back pain in the future?

For the first few days after the surgery, the patient will usually experience continuous pain, and it can even last for several weeks.  There are many instances in which patients have continued to experience ongoing pain after surgery.  However, pain can be managed by post-surgery treatments such as physical therapy or medication.  For patients who experienced prolonged back pain, another surgery is sometimes required.

How soon can a patient go back to his or her normal activities?

Typically, a patient who has a successful surgery can return to normal daily activities after a month of recuperation. Those who have minor surgeries can even go back sooner.  It is something that is determined on a case by case basis, based on how quickly the patient heals.

Scoliosis surgery poses a greater risk to patients than other treatment options due to its highly invasive incision process. Although it offers a cure to many patients with spinal conditions, the risks it carries during and after the procedure can oftentimes make the condition worst. Fortunately, there are alternative treatments to surgery that patients can pursue. Physical therapy, decompression, and massage therapy are a few examples.

NYC Chiropractic offers safe alternatives to surgery. Patients who choose to pursue noninvasive and less risky treatments can consult with the doctors there to learn which procedures would be best suited for their particular spinal condition.  Chiropractic NYC ensures that, while these alternative treatments to surgery may take a longer period of time, the procedures are effective and can assure a greater chance of having a normal life ahead.

-Dr Sid
Esprit Wellness
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