exercise for back pain

Today we are going to talk about some exercises that can help you if you experience back pain. Many people find that recreational swimming helps ease back pain, and there is research to back that up. But some strokes may be better than others. An advantage to...

How Snow Shoveling Contributes to Lower Back Pain

Now that winter is here and the snow will soon start to pile up, snow activities like skiing and snowboarding become common. But, as much as we love the snow, we hate to clean up and take the time to shovel our driveways and sidewalks. Snow shoveling is an inevitable...

When Accepting Your Back Pain Helps Improve Your Quality of Life

Every person seeks to achieve a good quality of life through financial security, good health, and supportive friends and family. Unfortunately, however, some of those things aren’t always attainable.  Chronic low back pain, for example, is a body disorder...