On-his-wayNYC Chiropractor on Faster Recovery, and Active Release Technique

An hour and half post my high intensity workout, my muscles were still twitching, my face was still flushed, my body was radiating heat…the only relief: my urge to vomit had subsided.

I wondered, how do I train to recover, faster? Can I?

Good news: Apparently, I can. If I exercise or endurance train regularly my aerobic fitness improves supporting my body to meet the demands of the more rigorous workouts. In the process my muscles are also learning to repair themselves, (faster). Ok, But, how? For smart answers, I visited no other than Dr. Sid, Top NYC Chiropractor and ScoliSMART NYC Doctor, at Esprit Wellness, in Midtown Manhattan.

Dr. Sid, advised, “The ideal way to enhance recovery time is to increase your training time gradually, generally over three weeks. Then rest a week to allow your body to catch up.” Then he suggested I go home and cook pasta for dinner! Huh?

Dr. Sid added that eating carbohydrates positively supports recovery time. He sighted a recent study by the American College of Sports Medicine, whereby test subjects were asked to run 10 to 13 miles daily for a week as if each run was a race. The test subjects who consumed only modest amounts of carbohydrates presented with decreased recovery rates. However, as carbohydrate consumption increased so did their recovery time.

Takeaway: Training Smart + Eating Well /CARBS/ = Faster Recovery and therefore less rest before my next big race or workout. Which, unfortunately for me will not be for a few long days!  For the moment, I plan to visit my favorite NYC chiropractor, Dr. Sid at Esprit Wellness for my chiropractic adjustment, Active Release Technique therapy, PNF stretching, and yes, a long, soothing, aromatherapy massage from Michael Estrella!

Noemi Bliss, NYC

Esprit Wellness is a premium healthy living and multi-disciplinary holistic wellness centered dedicated to inspiring you to optimize your health (so you may) LiveWELL.